According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, children typically start to lose their primary teeth at the age of six. The first baby teeth to go are usually the incisors, which are the middle teeth in the front. The molars in the back come out between the age of ten and twelve.
Losing baby teeth is an exciting part of childhood, with most kids looking forward to getting new teeth. Of course, the prospect of getting some money in exchange for the tooth from the tooth fairy also helps the uncomfortable process easier to tolerate.
However, sometimes the tooth doesn’t come out all the way and causes discomfort by hanging from the remaining gum tissues.
Here are some tips that you can follow to speed up nature and help your child with the stubborn loose tooth that just won’t come out.
Find out why the tooth is loose in the first place
The first thing to do is to find out why your child’s tooth is loose. The common and natural reason for a loose tooth is because of the process called Osteoclasts. This occurs when the cells underneath the gums break apart the roots to make way for permanent teeth.
The other reason for a loose tooth can be due to an injury or trauma to the tooth while playing or due to an accident. It’s possible that the impact can cause infection or damage to the permanent teeth as well. If that’s the case, the best course of action is to make a dentist appointment for a professional evaluation.
Pulling out the loose tooth
A stubborn loose tooth can cause a great deal of discomfort and pain for your child. Although it’s not recommended, sometimes you don’t have a choice but to pull out the loose tooth. In such a situation, there is a dentist-approved way to help speed up the process.
According to the American Dental Association, the best way to go about it is using a clean piece of tissue to grab the tooth while squeezing it gently. In most cases, this will detach the tooth from the remaining tissues without causing any pain or bleeding.
Let nature handle it
It can be tempting pulling out your child’s wiggling tooth when they’re eager for a visit from the tooth fairy. However, it’s best to let nature take its course and wait for it to fall out on its own eventually. This minimizes the bleeding and pain associated with losing the teeth and prevents the roots from damage and infection. Make sure your child does not skip brushing even after the teeth fall out for good oral hygiene.
If you have further concern regarding your child’s loose tooth, get in touch with Our Children’s Dentist in Houston, Texas. We are the leading pediatric dental service for the greater Houston area, Beaumont and Corpus Christi. Our team provides world-class Emergency Dental Care in Houston in a warm, caring and child-friendly environment. Contact us at 713-244-7796 to set up an appointment today!